
baby, i'm bleeding for you


03-02-2014, 03:07 PM

She would jolt just slightly at the sound of her name, but her kin's exclaimation brough a small smile to the albino's face. Vi was lively compared to Io herself, and yet she would find that it was something that she liked about the other. If she was placid like herself, they might have a bit of trouble trying to talk to each other. Although it was something that the little woman was getting better at as she spent more time with other lupine, she wasn't the best at socializing and there were times that it definitely showed. Hopefully now wouldn't be one of those times though, as Taurig would be asked to leave and give the Sovari ladies a chance to catch up. Io's magenta gaze would settle comfortable on Vi's unique visage, and she would sit beside her, her tail wrapping arounod her legs.

"Taurig's family is easy to attach to." She would admit. They were an honorable group of wolves, and although they were not as close to her as they were to each other, she considered them friends by her definition of the word. "It seems you feel the same." Seeing the red woman be so playful with the blind man was almost surreal, neither of the two seemed like the playful sort and they still were coy with one another - close, like siblings in a way. Idly the albino realized that she wanted something similar with Viridiana, but she wasn't quite sure how to initiate it. She spent so much time searching for her brothers, her family, that she tended to tense up and get quiet around the lupine that she adored so much. Blood was important to her, but perhaps it weighed too heavily on her heart - because she became nervous with them just as she tended to with groups of strangers.

The albino would do her best to hide that, tipping her head up just slightly to keep her gaze even with the taller woman. At twenty seven inches tall, her Sovari sister had nearly half a foot on her - and she wasns't even large herself. "I'm glad you made it here too, Vi." The sentiment was as warm as any, but felt a little strange on her tongue. "How - Where, have you been?"
