
Every Single Night


03-02-2014, 03:14 PM
She wasn't one to seek out the company of others, but she found herself returning to greet Alsander out of both habit and yearning. He was a valiant brute, one that she found herself comfortable around in the same way that she was Taurig. Yet as Taurig and his family became content with each other on Inu Island, Io would find herself wandering more and more. Viridiana had seemed to have found herself a new home - and she would have to find the russet woman once again. This time though, she was sure that she was in Alacritia, and not too far away as to where Io wouldn't be able to find her. And so she would let her paws take her toward Valhalla's new borders. This time, opposed to the plains or even the Island that they had been before, she would scent the pack's borders near a lake. Night had fallen, leaving the little Sovari beneath the light of the stars. The moon was nowhere to be seen this night, a new moon.

A stargazer, Io would pause beside the lake, her toes pressing against the cool grass that encased the area. It was comfortable, and almost completely swept away all traces of the earlier summer heat. The woman could scent many Valhallans here, but she couldn't quite make out specifics enough to tell whether Alsander was close. And so the tiny fae would tilt her head back just slightly and call for the charming brute - she wanted to know how Valhalla had fared against the earlier storm, and whether he was alright. She had not been keeping up with much pack news herself, especially with Taurig's pack currently being only his family.