
A Boone for Lady Fate


03-02-2014, 05:34 PM

The more the woman spoke, the more her grin split along her face. Pleasure rolled down her spine. She was willing to put in the work to thrive. She would not fail her. After all, she was willing to be broken and molded in a perfect warrior.

"Excellent. You will be a Ecuyer, a warrior. Prove yourself when the time comes and you can be promoted to Marquis, a Commander." There was something about the woman that caught her attention, that spoke words. She would do well in the pack, so long as she could prove herself and pull her own weight.

"Come when I call, for that will be when I summon all the members of my pack and when ranks will be given to those worthy." She spoke evenly to the woman, giving her first command. If it was not followed, then the woman be hunted down and demoted to the lowest of the low. She would take no disloyalty or disrespect. She had a name to build for herself. The massive woman would turn, parting ways with the newest member of her packs.

-exit unless stopped-

OOC- Cat will stay if she has any questions, if not then shes gonna leave.

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