
Lights will Guide you Home

Gargoyle I


03-25-2013, 01:00 PM


Carefully judging his steps, Gargoyle walked alongside the wounded medic. Now and then he offered a shoulder for her to lean on. In truth, he probably could've carried her if she'd wanted, but every wolf had their pride and Gargie understood that.

What he didn't understand was how this little healer who'd been hurt so many times could once more leave the pack land without a guard. Crusade had suggested warrior accompaniment for Asheni, but the marbled girl hadn't listened. Well Gargoyle would have to insist. As the party of wolves crossed the slowly thawing border into Glaciem, Gargoyle raised his low, rumbling voice. "We're home, Asheni, and for your safety and the safety of future medics, I'm going to insist that from now on, no healer leaves Glaciem with a warrior at their side."

He lowered his head neath the shadows of his hulking shoulders, seeking to match his yellow eyes with her blue ones. She needed to understand this.

But after a moment, the northern drake raised his skull and looked over the she-wolf to where a male who more than matched him in size and breath was walking along with them. Gargoyle still hadn't caught his name, but in a way it didn't matter. This black stranger with his odd eyes, had saved Asheni from a frozen, watery grave, and had since shown himself to be a civil, agreeable sort. Gargoyle had already said that he was in the male's debt and he meant it.

What's more he'd be happy to pay that debt by offering the male a place inside Glaciem's borders. Such a wolf as this would make a wonderful addition to the ranks, but of course, this was all speculation. For now all Gargoyle gave was a gracious nod of the head. "Thank you for coming along, stranger. You are welcome in our borders for a time. I've a mind to take Asheni to the pack's densite, but then you're welcome to rest yourself and partake of a hunt." It was the least the Chief could offer for the saving of one of his family members.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~