
Keeping Secrets

Twig I


03-03-2014, 11:20 AM

Just as she hoped that her sister would not do the girl would proceed to sniff out the area. Twig's slate backed ears would fall to get crown as she hoped madi would find nothing that could point her to Twig's current obsession. She would avert her orchid gaze from the she wolf, somehow hopeful that such an action would deter the woman from the not so well hidden truth. She would keep to herself very long though, the sound of a fruit dropping would grab her attention. It was a peach. Twigs eyes would grow wider as she realized how close they had been to the succulent fruit. If they had just turned around that day there would have been the treat they searched for. She would make no mention of this however, only continuing her sisters conversation.?"It's a peach, Madi. You must be too young to remember grandmother taking us to the orchard. These have always been my favorite fruit." she would pick her way carefully over to where her sister sat. Careful to walk over her previous scent trails to prevent further Angel from figuring things out. Her sister was a smart she wolf, it would be a miracle if she made it back without divulging the information.?"I'm pretty sure all the fruit here is edible. Just be careful with the stuff that's been on the ground too much. They ferment and create umm.. Alcohol which can make you go all weird." she would giggle at the time she remembered her father becoming drunk off the old fruits.?

I can talk!