
Martyrs of the night


03-03-2014, 02:38 PM

After finishing her face a male confronted her, well wasn't that a surprise. For a moment a bit of fear filled her, but then she reminded herself that she was perfectly fine. She wasn't weak, she wasn't broken, well maybe only a little. The girl picked up the mint leaves and moved them to the other side of her in a gentle manner, making sure that they were not messed up by anything. The red eyes woman turned back to the man with curiosity. Sure enough his coat was unique enough, but strange as it was his scent seemed familiar? Like family almost, no it couldn't be. Though his coat definitely was something to see. She was one to talk with a blue mane on her head, which would die out when she died for certain.

"You sound like you don't get company often." she said in a calm voice. Was it really dying down to how it used to be. Maybe she should speak to Rivaxorus in her dreams for help. She threw the thought away, the girl was probably getting annoyed with her greatly. Her tail flicked as she gave a dip of her head. "My name's Vahva Hutashi, I'm a healer in Valhalla. Though daughter of a walker for a better word." she noted, seeing as the walkers were quiet known everywhere. Due to the fact that her grandfather had fifteen children in the numbers. Maybe he knew her, and it'd be easier to get along then?
