
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings

Twig I


03-03-2014, 11:19 PM

Feeling her brother curl around her tighter and hearing his determined words would calm her considerably. Though guilt, anger, and sadness would continue their swirling. As she moved to Themisto's side she could feel the unease coming from her brother. She hoped he would continue to see that her companion meant her absolutely no harm. He seemed to keep himself under control, but as they discussed the wounds needing cleaned. Pulsus would suggest that he carry her. All the way to wolf paw lake. Her orchid gaze would widen in wonder at how selfless her brother really was. However this option would include once again separating herself from the dusty knight. As he gently pulled himself away from her side she would feel a kiss placed perfectly upon her forehead. Sadly she would watch as he moved away and her guardian brother would become her focus. She didn't want to try and stand. She didn't want to know what it would be like to try and hold her body weight with her legs. She could feel the injuries to her body, and she certainly didn't want to reveal anymore about them to herself. Carefully though she knew he would delicately place her on his back. She would wince as he completed the task, the pain intensified for a moment. she would become distracted from it as the gentle healer found himself before her again. As she looked up to his gaze from the dried grass she would notice the piece of fruit dangling tantalizingly from his mouth. The girls face would erupt into a joyful grin as he offered her the first bite. With a whine the cross marked woman would tenderly take the peach within her teeth, savoring the juicy bite. In that moment it was easy to forget about what had been done to her. She could enjoy the warmth of her brother beneath her and the incredible kindness of the man beside them.?
