
take me back to those days


03-03-2014, 11:53 PM

Massive beast sat silently at the edge of the beach, watching the waves roll in and out. Toes would clench, muscles relaxing and contracting to drag nails through the damp sand. He still remembered the last time he was here with vivd detail. Secret had starved himself to the point where her body had rejected and aborted the baby put within her from an unwanted meeting with a male named Kaios. That male had found her and eaten the lifeless form of their child right before their eyes. Jaws clenched and teeth ground together as eyes continued to stare unblinking out at the ocean. Kaios had done that and yet she had still called for him when she had been attacked. Not Kylar. Not her children. Not her pack. No she had called to that monster to save her.

Lips curled back, maw contorting into a vicious snarl as he allowed his lower jaw to unhinge and tongue to loll out over pearly white canines. How could someone love a beast like that in the end? Was that what she had wanted? Would she have loved him more if he had been a rapist and a murderer? Was that was she wanted him to do with his life now? If it was she needed to give him a sign.

edit: edited to correct my drunk spelling XD
