
Gods & Swans



10 Years
03-04-2014, 01:38 AM

She chuckled at his remarks of restraining himself from fidgeting and she placed a paw on her shimmering piece of prey. "When you learn how to control the patience and fidgeting, I bet the result of that mental work feels worth it when you get what you are after." A slight different kind of twinkle was in her eye when she said this. It was as if she knew such things beyond her years, despite being only a yearling.
As he waited for the fish to return around their chosen spot, Baldur inquired about her pack. Odette wasn't sure how much information would be too much to reveal, so she stepped around her words carefully and tried not to show her cautiousness. A light sigh that showed warmth to the topic escaped through her lips and she couldn't help but smile. "What can I say about Valhalla?..." Her words faded when she heard a soft 'drip' sound in a farther area of the water. A few ripples were made and she looked over, but saw nothing. She raised an eyebrow and decided to keep her senses heightened as she continued.
"Ever since I became a part of it, Valhalla has become my home. I was adopted into the family by my aunt -- who is now my mother -- and since then, I haven't regretted joining the pack life. The other wolves I live with and around are my family and we all work together as a unit." She smiled softly and let her tail flick across her damp right hind leg. "It's a pack that smells of serenity and peace...Negativity rare shows itself there."
It was then that she saw and heard a splash that was closer than the previous ripples. Odette's eyes widened and saw movement beneath the surface of the water. "Baldur..." she said softly, for she didn't want to startle him. "You better get out of the water...NOW!" Her legs rose and she grabbed her fish, immediately looking for low branches to leap on and rise to higher ones.

"You" Think


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