
Not playing to pass time



6 Years
03-04-2014, 04:59 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 04:59 AM by Iorwerth.)
ooc: As this has been up for over a week, figured I'd reply again. Until the hunt actually starts others are still welcome to join.

"Iorwerth, good to see you." It would be the Queen to join him first, fortunately it seemed she wasn't displeased with his decision to call for a hunt. It wasn't his place, he knew that but he wasn't just going to sit around if no one else was calling for such things. "Queen Destruction." He acknowledged with a dip of his head, pausing to let her speak. "I apologize that things have been a little haphazard since the leadership change. I thank you for taking initiative to begin a hunt for our pack. I would also like to inform you that your apprentices have been decided. You will be mentoring Amalia and Mercury, though if any other pup requests to join you for training you are more than welcome to reach them as well, of course."

"These things happen." He responded, the tone was perhaps meant to be one of understanding, life certainly didn't always go as planned as he knew. "Would you care to take over the organising now?" Some might have felt a little daunting leading their leader, he'd step up to the challenge though it'd be foolish to seem quite so eager about it. Members of the pack may perhaps look more fondly upon their Queen leading them in a hunt than another member of the Clergy, perhaps it would be best for her to take over.

He couldn't think who Amalia and Mercury were, he would have to meet them some point soon, they likely had no idea who he was either. He gave a single nod of his head, showing he understood her words. There were no further questions or comments on the matter, at least not from Iorwerth anyway.

There was an interruption in the form of a rather timid looking female whose name escaped Iorwerth's mind. "May I join the hunt? Though..uuhh..I've never hunted large game or with a pack before" Well that likely explained her nervous appearance. "You ought to learn at some point." He commented matter-of-factly, his comment an invitation of sorts to join the hunt, though of course ultimately it would be Destruction's decision if for some reason the girl couldn't participate.