



03-04-2014, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 11:20 AM by Themisto.)

Since the sudden change in Seracia's leadership he had yet to speak to the new alpha, and he figured now would be a good time, especially since his loyalties were wavering. He liked to believe he would stay in Seracia forever, but with his family members gone, and with his second cousin leaving the pack too, what was left here for him? His family had been the whole reason why he had come to Alacritis and joined Seracia. Now that they were gone, he was starting to see no reason in staying. Besides, he barley interacted with the members anyways, since the pack was generally healthy most of the time. Occasionally he would assist in births, but now that only tier one and two could breed litters weren't being born- what was he to do? He was restless, he was bored, and Twig and Chrysanthe were always his preferred distractions. Twig was a rouge, and Chrysanthe always tempted him to join Valhalla. He was five years old, had no mate, no family, and needed to get his life going before it was too late. Time was running out for the healer.

He would throw his head back, lips creasing as he called for lady Destruction. He had a lot on his mind, but before he would make any permanent decisions, he would speak to her first. Besides, maybe she needed him to stay, after all, he seemed to be the most capable healer in Seracia. He would fall back onto his haunches before the mouth of his den, toungue rolling within his mouth as he chewed on a fresh bud from one of his plants. He sighed happily, stress rolling off him in waves as he waited for her to arrive, his medication taking effect.
