
make me feel wanted [birthing thread]


03-04-2014, 01:56 PM

The contractions were coming more regularly and were stronger now, pushing through the vervain haze to the point were teeth began to grind together uncomfortably. And then like an angel she would appear, young and delicate with soothing words and the smell of herbs following her. Words broke through the haze in her mind and slowly eyes would drift around to take note that she was in fact laying in a pool of sunlight. Though she had grown up in the cold pass behind horizon mountain she had always loved the heat but she felt hot, her paws were beginning to sweat and her tongue was lolling over her jaws. A den sounded nice. "Sure, that sounds wonderful?" She would gasp after an especially hard contraction. God she just wanted this girl to rip the pups out of her body, do whatever she had to to just get them out. But slowly she would begin to prop herself up, pushing forepaws up slowly as she tried to work around her swollen stomach. God if these beasts had forever ruined her figure she would be pissed.

Then there was a crash and for a moment she was alert, ears snapping up and instincts kicking in as lips curled and maw wrinkled into a snarl. She was ready to kill whoever dared invade her space and yet who appeared was not who she expected. He was matted, smelly, brown rather then his usual sleek black and seemed leaner then he had been before. "Shut up and do what Novel tells you. She's the only one that knows whats going on here!" She half snapped though there was a small smile on her face as hind legs hopped and struggled to get beneath her. She was starting to get a bit worried. Was this all going right? She cast a look at Novel, looking for some reassurance in the matter even though Vi was her elder by a few years.

She didn't say anything more, instead followed Novel to her den, every so often stopping as a contraction wracked through her body and leaning on Novel or Kylar or whoever was close enough to throw her weight on. God she was useless. She slipped into the den and immediately dropped like a sac of stones. The pain was beginning to cloud her mind more then the pain killers had and for a moment she let her head fall, staring up at Novel as if silently asking for her to make this end. She had never wanted this...
