
You Were My Conscience...

Gargoyle I


03-25-2013, 04:10 PM


Gargoyle chuckled. Truly and really chuckled - not just a muted sort of rumble. His muzzle twisted into a rare smile and his yellow eyes lit up. He was in the prime of his life, he had his mate at his side, and a young deer just within reach of his claws. It was enough to make even a stoic like him happy. The big northern drake put on a display of speed and energy and sprinted towards the deer. He leapt through the air, his huge hind legs leading him right onto the deer's back. It bawled and twisted as soon as it felt the first signs of the great wolf's weight, but there was no escape. A second later Gargoyle had sunk his fangs into the creatures neck.

Over they went in a tangle of fur and fangs and hooves.

If Gargoyle didn't break it's neck then the tumble through the tundra did, for the deer never rose again. Gargoyle, a bit dizy, picked himself up and shook his head. "Ocena?" Gargoyle called in a low growl. "Remind me not to tackle deer when there isn't enough snow on the ground."

It was a bit strange. The white world was going dark. In place of snow now was a damp collection of tundra grass, moss and rock willows. Especially here on the southern most tip - or rather, what was really the no man's land outside of Glaciem territory.

The big Chief was fine though and shot a wink in his mate's direction to tell her so. He'd have a few more bruises under his fur tonight, but what was the point of being in peak condition if you couldn't get get banged around now and again.

Gargoyle looked lovingly at the little black and white huntress who he'd invited to come share in his hunt. Ocena was so lovely, so elegant, so sweet. The sort of she-wolf Gargoyle wouldn't have pictured himself with in a thousand years. And yet she was perfect for him. She'd seen glimpses of his past. She knew more about it than any other soul in Glaciem - excluding the mink - and yet she loved him despite of it.

(ooc: tag to Ocena first please :3, then everyone else is free to pop in when they please )


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~