

Eirik I


3 Years
03-04-2014, 07:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was warm upon the mountainside, but the brawny grey pup could not have been more oblivious. There was far too much to do, far too much to see, and way too many places to explore. But Mom was a worrier; as much as he wanted to go barreling through the forests and confronting everything that he came upon within their home territory of Mount Volkan - something he was sure Warja would have been happy to tag along for - she would not allow it. And Dad was a stickler for rules. There was nothing to be done about it.

He had pouted and grumbled for all of two seconds before he gave up on it and began poking around outside of the den, growling quietly as he crept around. His front end was lowered, crouched with his rosy pink eyes narrowed and his black nose skimming the ground. There was Dad's scent, Mom's, and a little of Warja and Keiki. And... What was this? Eirik's black ears turned and pinned slightly as he drew back with a puzzled look, setting them forward alertly as he crawled another step while sniffing again at the ground. Wholly curious, he followed it, brow knit with concentration and determination.

Oh. Was that it? He had really expected the trail to go further than this. Or at least he had been hoping it would. Where was the fun in trailing a smell if you never got to find out what made it? With a disappointed scowl and huff, Eirik straightened himself out, squaring his shoulders and lifting his head with a self-appointed authority. Stupid smell. But as he turned his rosy gaze around him and finally took stock of where he was he wondered if maybe the trail had not been as super short as he had thought. If he turned around he would end up back at the den, back where he was supposed to be. But if he stayed here...he might find the scent again.

Daring to stay, he grinned mischievously and went back to sniffing, tail wagging over the excitement of finally doing what he wanted regardless of repercussions.

image by Luisiana