
Fading Mist



03-04-2014, 11:36 PM

Her footsteps were quiet, and the woman managed to be surprisingly poise - it wouldn't be the sound of her that gave her away to her daughter. The way the other found her, would be through scent and the trails that she left - one that she expected and the other that she would have to ask about herself. The woman would wait for Odette to give something away as to where she was - and if she had followed her scent and reaction to the way that she had slipped away, she should be approaching her from the front. Yet Chrysanthe would end up waiting for a head on pounce that never came, and instead be tackled from her left side - and that was the side that she could see on! Opposed to pouncing from within the fog, Odette had staked her out and taken her completely by surprise.The woman would grin into the girl's nuzzle, nudging her back with her shoulder before moving to lick the top of her head. Good game, Odette had definitely won this round.

The girl would comment on their enemies having a hard time here, and it was enough to get her mother to chuckle. "They will if they end up facing you. You've got quite a strategy already haven't you?" Chrysanthe was curious, and Odette was just full of surprises wasn't she? There was no longer a doubt in her mind that she would be quite the opponent for anyone that challenged her somehow. Maybe even a leader better than Chrysanthe herself was - it was in her blood after all. Gargoyle had made a mistake leaving this girl behind, but she would do her best to raise her well. So far, she hadn't gotten to teach her too much though - and Chrysanthe was ready to remedy this today. From what she had seen so far, Odette was a quick learner and wouldn't take too much instruction to build on.

The woman was smiling without meaning to as she spoke, her tail wagging gently behind her. Odette was growing up, spending time with her was ideal for the ex alpha. These were moments that she was missing before, weren't they? Idly she would swear that she wouldn't miss another moment of her daughter's life, instead she would try and make a few memorable ones. "You think on your toes, it'll serve you well - but has anyone taught you how to defend yourself in a fight?" She was sure that the tri-colored female would know to protect her vitals, but Chrysanthe had been a sentry once - she could make sure that the girl knew how to make it difficult for her opponent to obtain a grip or leave wounds that would throw the fight in their favor.