



03-05-2014, 12:31 AM
ooc: yes those are rocks :3

He would choose not to tell her exactly what was on his mind, and she would wonder for a moment what had crossed it that had affected him so. Yet she would let it go if that was what he wanted, the woman was in no mood to push - and she rarely was. He seemed to appreciate the sentiment, as he smiled she would hold back a sigh, seeing him happy was good for her nerves, that was good for her healing right? Maybe she could convince him to keep her company in Valhalla for a bit if he wasn't busy in Seracia... "I hope Maverick and Epiphron are living up to the legacy." She would comment, not knowing of Loccian and then Destruction's recent ascent into leadership. With happening after happening, she had lost track of the going ons of Valhalla's sister pack.

Valhalla... it would be alright, she was certain. What she was unsure of was her own place within it, but that would come with time. For now, she would trust in Themisto's words. They would rise again, they were a strong family that wouldn't scatter because of a loss of leadership. "I'm not sure - but I know that my mother would not let anyone be homeless for long. She's getting older, but nothing seems to slow her down." The healer was surprisingly healthy for her age, it was definitely something that Chrysanthe was proud of. The sentence would bring a small smile to the woman's lips. "If not her, there are a few that might step up." Sephiroth, Surreal and even Vahva came to mind. The maned woman had surely had her pride wounded earlier, but if Chrysanthe could force herself to get back up she would drag Vahva with her.

He wanted to start a family when he came to Seracia - and a flash of the meeting they shared all of those months ago would spring to life for a moment - and Chrysanthe would nod at his statement of that not coming true. She... had doused that dream herself, hadn't she? Guilt would eat away at her stomach, causing it to idly tighten until she mentally willed herself to ignore it and prayed that it would go away. Themisto wouldn't want her to feel bad about the way he felt about her - she knew that much, she could practically hear him getting after her for it already. "You're a catch Themi, you'll find someone." The words were enough to get her to wonder what sort of female he would pursue without her there to make things complicated. Would she treat him right? Would he love her more than he loved the russet faced woman already? "I'd bet she's out there waiting for you already." Chrysanthe would move to nudge the other with her muzzle, her tail giving a good natured thump.

If only she knew how close she was to hitting the nail on the head.

His apology for Gideon's disappearance would cause the woman to shake her head in disagreement."Don't apologize, you didn't chase him off." She would try to hide the bitter touch to her voice, but there would always be a part of her that blamed herself. Letting go of that, and of him - seemed nearly impossible. Yet as she met Themisto's eyes, she would feel something stir, from her beating heart down to her toes - something she had only felt for Gideon in such a noticeable way. "I think I may be missing out too, Themisto." Would he catch her hint? She would look him in the eye as she spoke his name, hoping that he would understand that she was willing to give something between the two of them a chance if it was. Perhaps she should think on what she wanted to do, wanted to say, what she was feeling - but he made her feel so happy - and being there for her even when she was at her lowest was quite the way to realize that she could actually see herself beside him...

"If you aren't busy in Seracia, would you stay with me for a while? I..." What excuse did she have? Her mother was one of the best healers on Alacritia, she had a family to look out for and that would look out for her whether she was an alpha or not... but she wanted Themisto there. "I would really enjoy your company, especially while I'm healing and Valhalla's resettling." In all honesty, she really didn't want him to leave. Maybe if she asked him to stay beside her he would - this wasn't the first time that she had wanted to take the amber eyed brute and keep him with her. It would be the first time though, that she acted on the urge.