
Find somebody



6 Years
03-05-2014, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:17 PM by Kyung.)

Things had changed quickly for the young boy, the ash had arrived suddenly and left just as quickly but it had left its mark on the wolves of Glaciem, and none more than Kyung and his tiny family, or at least it seemed that way to him. His mother had refused to leave the den even after her eye had healed over, it had left scars on her that no herb would heal, because they were not on the outside. If the poor boy had started feeling distant from his family then he was practically isolated now, Rin, who had once been a near constant companion was often off on his own brooding leaving the black boy to his own devices.

He had taken to wandering the pack lands absently, exploring the expanded lands so that he knew them nearly as much as the pine forest, all except for the scene of the accident, he had been unable to face that part of the forest since the incident. Scents of the pack were all around him, wolves he knew by appearance or smell but not by name. Never before had the boy felt more alone. He picked up on a vaguely familiar scent, a family member though he knew not which one, not one he knew.

He did not know what it was that made him decide to follow the scent, he had met many and more of his family and he was learning there were few enough in their numbers that he liked; maybe it was just curiosity, or maybe without realizing it he had become just as scarred as his mother by her losing her sight. Ebony gaze landed upon a young girl, roughly his age. He approached her silently at first but then as he drew closer it dawned on him that maybe he should let her know he was there.

He called out, friendly if a bit tentative.

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