


03-05-2014, 03:02 AM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

The auburn man dipped his head in gratitude to his queen as he followed her away from the dens and into the moor. It was cold and damp here, odd for the lack of rain but comforting all the same. It reminded him of the wet and humid lands of the swamp he had lived in when first arriving in Alacritis. Before he had become a real man. Before he had met Raisa.

Life had been so easy before he had a conscience. He did not miss the voices, did not miss the power he had had in letting himself do whatever they desired. He simply wished the guilt and regret would fade into the distance.

Settling into the moor now, he looked again at his superior and could not meet her gaze. It was too difficult. Knowing that he should not waste the woman's time, he began recounting his story, expecting to take the lashings that he deserved for them.

"She was an alabaster dame from up north. A real beauty. with odd markings on her face and enchanting amethyst eyes.." His voice drifted off for a moment as he imagined the face he had seen so often in his nightmares. He had to stifle another shudder as horror gripped his shoulders. "She would tell me not of her name, and I found it...thrilling, I suppose. She was cocky and arrogant and it only fueled my own growing ego as she fought so hard to keep her pride. I wanted to own her, to feel the power of dominating such a headstrong and powerful creature of undeniable prowess."

He swallowed, allowing his golden eyes to drift upwards for only a moment to evaluate the stance of his queen. Once he met her bi-colored gaze, he was stuck. He would forever be entranced by those eyes, and cursed to speak whatever truths crossed his mind as he gazed upon them. He would continue his story with his gaze locked on hers, sorrow and regret tinting his golden optics.

"I made the mistake of allowing my ever-growing desire to take hold of me, I gave in to the recesses of my mind and I took her. I stole her innocence and reveled in the thought of it. I left her there, broken and battered by my careless actions. I know not if she survived or the outcome of my foolishness...She was in season, yet I remain unaware of any offspring that may have resulted from the deed."

He was a sinner, and though he had voiced his fears to the queen, he did not feel as if any weight had been lifted from his chest. He was haunted by the thoughts that still plagued his mind and the idea that the woman he had claimed on that fateful day may be dead or with bastard children that he had not even attempted to rear. His emotions shifted like a hurricane inside him, and he felt as if his skin were ten times heavier. Would Raisa flog him for his misdeeds of the past? He would expect nothing less, for he would act know differently in her position.


"Talk" Think "You"