
The Carmel bloodline


03-05-2014, 03:48 PM
OOC name: Croatoan

Which would you like: Electra

name change?: Nope!

Appearance: The size of her mother, Electra is a creature to admire. She is graceful, built for speed. Her legs are slender, and they look like they could break at any time. But yet she can still walk, and it is easy to tell from her calloused pads that she has walked for a while. The girl always has a contented, almost smug, look on her face. This is because one thing, and one thing only. Like her mother, Electra is not the usual colors that other wolves have. She stands out, and could catch the eyes of any wolf, male or female.

Except for her eyes, Electra is a exact copy of her mother. The same beautiful color of purple is her base color, with no normal colors. Or any other colors, for that matter. Her fur is thick and long, and makes her look larger and fluffier than she really is.

The girl's right eye is a beautiful amber, and the left eye is her mother's forest green. But her left eye has just a tint of blue, like the color blue her mother has. This makes a place in her eye look more light green than anything else.

Personality: Like her mother, Electra wants to seek perfection in every flaw. She's a stubborn girl, unlike what she looks like. She has the fierce fire running through her veins so easily. She's a short tempered little wolf, and it does not take much to get her offended, even if you weren't talking to her. She's still clever, and loves to play a few pranks every once in a while. But she aims most of them at her sibling, Tiberus. Maybe because she finds him the most gullible of her family. But, that's not all, because Electra has three sides to her; the kind side, the funny side, and the side you never want to meet.

Even though she pulls pranks on her brother, Electra loves him so much. She would die for him, and she would kill to protect him, if she ever had to. But she prefers not to think about that. She likes to spend her time making harmless traps for her brother. But the side you never want to meet is a protective one. The one that would die for her family, as mentioned before. If anything threatened to harm her family, Electra would fight for them. Even if they don't need it.

Rp sample:

A lump of purple moved, only to reveal two mismatched eyes, both beautiful and calm. The right eye, a warm amber. The left eye, a mix between green and blue. With a glance at Velia, who was clearly showing off, Electra smirked. "Showing off again, sister?" She didn't really care. They were all three perfection, after all, and who messed with perfection? Silently, the girl got to her paws, and walked outside, her nose working for her mother. The purple creature sighed, and laid her head on her paws, watching as her okapi-marked sister crawled out of the den, her light amber eyes glowing. Electra said nothing, but only watched the creature move, before rising to her paws. She was going to hunt.

Closing her eyes, Electra listened to the birds chirp before sitting back down, and settling down in the sun. She would just rest a few more minutes, so she could look beautiful with the sun reflecting off her fur. Dark purple colors were turned lighter, and Electra knew the charms her pelt could work as well as she knew her own paws. Finally, she rose to her paws again, mismatched eyes glowing in the sun, even as she blinked. "Stupid sun."

Without another word, the girl headed off for the forest, her tail waving easily behind her. It wasn't long after that, hen the goddess heard a soft crack of twigs being broken. Jaws opened for half a second, before she glanced back at the male behind her. Dark brown, with a white tail tip and black paws. His eyes were mismatched as well, his left eye being blue and his right eye being red. A curious creature, if you liked weird looking wolves, that weren't unnatural colored or marked. The male seemed gullible, so Electra played a game with him.

"Oh, aren't you a handsome wolf?" Voice was soft, and Electra circled around him, letting her purple tail brush against his face. "I.....I guess so." The boy was stammering, but watching her carefully, probably uneasy. "Oh, who said that you were a ugly wolf? They're liars." Well, more like she was the liar. She wasn't interested in him. She didn't need him. But the male had turned his head, not listening, and Electra sighed in disgust. Well, that wasn't a wolf she could prank, at least for now. The creature slid into the forest, hunting for food.