
Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be



5 Years
03-05-2014, 09:14 PM


A lot was going through the young brutes head at the moment as he made his way down the well worn path. This raven was tight, and he liked it. Easily defendable. It reminded him of all the stories of the land that his bloodline ruled over. A massive kingdom in which multiple packs lived and coexisted. It was supposed to be an epic place doted with all kinds of amazing things. Of course, they were just stories. Newol might one day make a pilgrimage to see the place, but but was for later. Life was far too busy for him right now, too much going on. Every day waking up and hunting and tracking and learning. This pack life was so much different from anything he'd every know before. And he was trying his very best at it too. Even if it was hard. He tried very hard to get to know the wolves around them for who they where, even those that out ranked him. It was harder though because of that pack. Newol didn't just want an officer. He wanted a fellow wolf beside him.

His hard work and effort was starting to show too. The boy looked more like a young man now. There was more muscle to his body now, powerful shoulder and hind legs carrying him effortlessly down the back. He carried himself in a stronger stance and walked with a confident stride. One thing was for certain, he never got bored in this place. He'd always thought at an amazingly fast rate of speed, and now there was no shortage of places to draw knowledge in from. No shortage of things to learn in this marry little venture he'd allowed his Alphess' words to lead him on. If ever there had been a pack that he seemed to have a place in, it was this one. That said, he still had no idea why he'd been summoned. Yes, he was happy to have a chance to go see Erani again, but this was different now and he knew it. She wasn't just a friend now. She was Leader. She was Alphess Erani of Valhalla. And Alacritis was no Kingdom so here in Valhalla her word was Final. There was no High King. That said, he did trust her. She had some fire and wisdom to her.

That thought lead Newol's mind down a different path as he found the opening next to a small waterfall. Stepping up the steps to the cave opening, he made his way through the corridor into what he took to be the main chamber. Sitting down to admire the place, his scared muzzle turned up to the ceiling some as his tail settled around his paws. Ears standing up in curiosity. He'd gotten stronger in more ways then one sense the last time Erani had seen him. He wasn't the boy she'd meet in the woods as just an experienced healer, and him the seasoned loner with wilderness smarts. She was now a Queen, and he a young man and one of her soldiers. But that said, he was still Newol, the brat from the desert sands, who's mother had told him to run away as fast he could to find a place to thrive. Erani had heard that story too. He had known exactly who he was a long time ago and that still stood. He was just more experienced with this now. And so he waited, knowing that as an alpha, she had to be busy and so would be along eventually.