
Bringing In The Delegation



10 Years
03-06-2014, 12:58 AM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2014, 02:43 AM by Aures.)

The atmosphere was definitely cooler than it had been lately. The summer was more lenient about autumn coming around again, this being the second one Odette ever experienced in her short life. She had turned a year old that summer and she was eager to prove her worth to her pack at such a young age. It was the perfect explanation as to why she was with her grandmother, mother, and great-uncle that day. They had left Valhalla to explore the Rock Garden, a place that held the unknown for the young wolf. Basically, they were on an adventure!
Grandmother Erani had explained that rumors of a newfound pack had established their home in the great domain of rocks. That was the main reason why they had left Valhalla to see if the rumors were true. A slip of the tongue also mentioned that this pack was not of Glaciem alliance, making the young girl's chest hum in content. She didn't want to be near those wolves, especially if they meant to bring harm to her family. With a positive outlook on this mission, Odette continued to walk.
She was beside her mother and behind Erani, wanting to make sure that nothing could come out of the blue and attack them. Silently, she padded around Chrysanthe and appeared on the right side of her grandmother as the white female came to a standstill. Eager eyes graced the land as Erani howled, hoping that they wouldn't be ambushed due to the potential hiding places in front of them. With a flick of her tail and a light stomp from all four paws, Odette waited to see who would approach.
First was the alpha of the pack. She didn't introduce herself, but Odette could tell by the air she carried. The bi-colored eyes made Odette's sight warm up to the stranger. She hadn't met anyone else with the same kind of sight changes like her. Gala and Oracle had the same colored eyes, so this was indeed a treat. With a glance to Erani, she took a couple of steps forward and replied. "No ma'am, we are not of that pack. Far from, actually." A smile appeared on her face as both red and blue eye blinked.
Another female approached out of the blue and immediately called Erani ancient. Her gaze broke with the other Alphess and set upon the russet-furred woman. She raised both eyebrows and then looked at Erani before taking a step back. Odette was not sure if she should respond to the adjectives. She didn't know how Erani would take such an observation, so all she did was give a small smile before returning to her currently quiet stage.



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