
Caged Bird



03-06-2014, 01:59 AM

She laid her head on her paws, eyes seeing things far off, memories and images her mind made up. She would never have the kind of family she desired for, never have a mate, never have the comfort and love devoted just to her. It seemed life just didn't have those things cut out for her. Sure Erani's family was very much like her own but it wasn't the same. She had no blood relatives here. She had no one that had known her for years, who had been there her whole life. All she wanted in life was to have someone to love and be loved back, to make her own family. What had happened to Cael? Was he sick or hurt somewhere? Did he run off, changing his mind about her? Her dark musing would be interrupted though.

The appearance of the brown male, whose name she could not place jumped into the alcove. She sat up, shaking herself clean of her depression as much as possible. But was she too late to cover it up without him noticing? She smiled softly, weakly at his apology and shook her head.No, its fine, come in out of the rain. She would scoot over to allow more room for him, her blue eyes never staying on him for no more than a few seconds. She knew if he got a good look at them he would surely see her pain and sorrow. His question had her head snap up and looking at him. Silence followed for a few heart beats.I'm more grey than blue like this weather...But i'll be fine..eventually She said softly, almost in a whisper. The statement was meant more to herself than to him. Laying back down she sighed softly.I don't believe we've officially met. I'm Imena, the primary Theta. She turned her face to him but her eyes roamed about, anywhere but at his eyes.