
Careless Whisper



3 Years
03-06-2014, 09:30 AM

Another mission the powers have called me away

Another time to carry the colors again

My motivation an oath I've sworn to defend

To win the honor of coming back home again
The female cringed, tucking her ears and tail in a fearful manner. She reminded him nearly of his elder half-brother Tyr, who had managed to escape the pack after Vili took over. Undoubtedly he was dead now, and good riddance. A pity, though - crippled and weak though he'd been, he had been a Hr??vitnisson and thus still superior to these mewling commoners in this land. Tyrssons may not have been tainted with their father's affliction and would have made a decent part of the empire to come. If he'd even had the wherewithal to mate with a female, that is.

Despite her fear at his approach, the tiny female gently chided him for questioning her without introducing himself. His eyes slitted, not with threat but rather good humor, he regarded her with some amusement. "Of course, you are quite right," he agreed congenially. His father would have immediately slapped down even so mild a rebuke as that, but whatever else he was, Sk?ll was not his father. He had no right to the rigid respect owed to Hr??vitnir, and so he would willingly tolerate the small slight. For now.

"I am Sk?ll Hr??vitnisson, my most lovely Angel, and I have traveled here to find my own family who strayed when my father, rest his soul, passed away." The sorrow that filled those icy eyes was not feigned, but it served well to hide the spike of fury that passed through him at the same time, the hatred directed toward the Betrayer who had murdered his father. This sweet innocent girl had no need to know of that yet. Soon enough, soon enough.

He hadn't missed the fact that she was on her own, all alone. Just as he'd hoped. He curved his way closer to her, nonchalantly, his whole manner mild and calm as it always was. "I have never seen such a lovely angel in my life. Your name is so fitting - is it your given name, or a nickname? Perhaps all the pups in your family are as gorgeous as you so they had no doubt of the lovely form you would grow to. No offense intended, it is merely curiosity, I assure you," he added smoothly. "I have just never heard a name so perfect for a girl as perfect as you."

My declaration embedded deep under my skin

A permanent reminder of how it began

No hesitation when I am commanded to strike

You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life