
What a picture that is to be saved for us



5 Years
03-06-2014, 10:26 AM

The excitement of the newest members of the family hadn't left Novella just yet. Her new nieces and nephews certainly took up a lot of her attention, ensuring that they and her sisters were doing ok, hunting for them when she could and others hadn't already taken care of the job. Her time had mostly been split between them or spent alone in her own den or hunting for herself with the exception of lessons. It was in fact the recent self defence lesson that she had suddenly recalled her meeting with her estranged cousin and realised she had yet to speak anyone about it.

Whilst the meeting had of course given them the knowledge of where Myth was now living, something she wished to share with the rest of her family it was Iorwerth that stuck in her mind. From what she could gather, for some reason or another he had never really been all that close to the family, something that she found positively strange. Family was of course incredibly important to her and though she didn't know the details or even really anything much about Iorwerth's personality it still struck her as odd that he was such a stranger to them all.

The best person to talk to about all of this in her opinion was Satu. At the very least she deserved to know where her brother was, perhaps she would want to see him? Finding and getting to know Song had certainly been a wonderful moment in her own life, and though the circumstances with Satu and her brother were not the same, surely they should still be pleased to see each other? She really wasn't sure but she wanted to speak with her cousin all the same and so she found herself now outside Satu's den, hoping that she was either inside or not too far off so that she could track her easily.