
Shadow of the Day



3 Years
03-06-2014, 01:09 PM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
Tyr managed to shrug indifferently at her claim that he wasn't a target for the evil of this land. He settled into a comfortable crouch, more at ease with Akemi right now than he'd been with any of his family for a long time. Still wary, not ready to let his guard down with anyone, let alone one of his siblings however kind they were being. "Maybe so, Akemi. But they don't have to know who I am to see that I'm easy pickings. And I don't think they'd be any more likely to leave you alone either... you're as small as I am and you're a girl on top of that. There are... certain compromising situations that they would take advantage of." He blushed beneath his fur, supremely uncomfortable to be talking about rape to his younger sister, even if he was trying to be delicate about it.

He cleared his throat and shuffled his paws a bit. "Well, just be careful anyway. Being tough as you are isn't always the best thing, you know." He was disgusted with himself for trying to justify his own cowardice - he was a coward. He knew it, his father had known it, and Akemi knew it too, or she wouldn't be trying so hard to convince him not to be afraid.

Her words, asking him if he wanted company, made his gaze drift moodily out over the twilight-cloaked orchard. "Frankly, Akemi, I don't think... I don't think that would be a good idea." His bicoloured eyes moved back to her red ones. "I'm not really company, Akemi, I'm a useless weight and we both know it. I couldn't help you hunt, or fight beside you, or even keep up with you. You'd be stuck pup-sitting me when you have your own life to live. I mean... maybe for tonight? But in the morning it might be better for you to keep going."

It was nice to have a conversation with someone that wasn't punctuated by abuse and didn't involve taunting him, or overshadowed by tension because he knew he'd get in trouble for it if his father or uncles saw it, but what he'd said was true. Akemi was a young female with a life ahead of her. She didn't need to be stuck with a cripple tagging along.

"Besides," he added, "you would probably rather have Hati or Baldur for company. Hati always did have a soft spot for you."

OOC: Well, apparently Tyr got moody again, sorry. *pokes Tyr* but at least I replied! :)

Nothing to gain, everything to fear