
Steal my breath away: Seren

Lyric I


4 Years
03-06-2014, 03:04 PM
Her paws had lead her to the east - a few days away from home, but as an eta in training she wanted to get in touch with the plantlife away from home. She wasn't quite sure exactly what to collect, but the young woman figured that she would recognize things that she could identify by sight and smell as she went along. Lyric knew that she had a long way to go until she was anywhere as talented as her mother, but that would come with time she was sure. For now she needed experience and confidence - things that she wanted to find a little of on her own. That was what had pushed her outside of the pack's borders for a little while, but she had every intention to return.

Through the grasses she would leave a visible trail behind her, her eyes gazing straight ahead and up at the stars above her. Although she was happy to be home, she would still often wonder where her father and brothers had gone. They were all looking at the same sky, weren't they? "Please be alright." She would whisper a silent prayer to the lovely night sky, her eyes fixed on the twinkling night sky, before her gaze would shift and her focus would once again be on examining the area. Among the thicket's tall golden grasses there wasn't much that could be salvaged during the summertime - and it would seem that where the thicket ended...

The cliffs began.

And she was not the only one to find herself here this night, either. The fae would stare at the pristine figure of a good sized brute, that looked so soft underneath the light of the moon. Did she look the same way? Her head would tilt, the smile ever on her lips quivering just slightly as she fought away her nerves. "It's a beatiful view, isn't it?" The girl was around thirty inches tall, give or take a centimeter or two, and carried herself a bit younger than the fully grown lupine that she had only come to be this season. With it, she found herself even more curious of other wolves than she had been before, and even though she valued her family above all else, she craved a companionship that they just could not provide.

Maybe this brute would be her first friend made in quite some time. "It's the first time I've seen it like this - the cliffs make the sky seem so much closer." Hoping that her words, or worse, that she, were not imposing, she would move to sit at the stranger's side, wondering what brought him out here.
ooc: hit with some muse, ehehe