


03-06-2014, 03:05 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Sea
How did you get here?: Lu
Age: 21

Character's Name: Albatross (Bel)
Age: 2
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 28 Inches
Appearance Description:
A wolf that flowed with creams and swirled in shades of chocolate, contrasted by autumn eyes as beautiful as the birth of setting sun that flowed in every shade of gold across the glowing sky. Her expressions once bright and clear now every bit as filled as an autumn wind, carrying with it the weight of all the falling leaves.
This lithe young wolf has defining points across her body with her birth season a theme in the gold?s that sprayed against the underside of her jaw, the bridge of her nose and the curve of her forehead that darkened and enriched against her ears., The once point her body strayed from autumn was the black against her shoulder blade just behind the back of her light-framed head. There's a grace to her movements, the grace born to the nobility and the sense of forever being watched, judged and revered.

She was raised as a princess, a much loved child of the Alpha?s and forgiven for all the silly behaviours of a child. Raised innocent and sweet, as carefree as the wind for it would be her brother that would take the throne and she had no love for ruling. But despite the serenity of her home, the beautiful life that they started here was not to last forever, her parents where challenged one day and the dark and unknown enemy showed them no mercy; he did not just best them, or expel them from the pack but murdered them. This new wolf had a belief that only the strong should live, and breed, for the good of wolf-kind. He strolled through the tall forests that encased their wonderland and intruded upon the dream of Albatross and her brother. They were the offspring of wolves not worthy of leadership in his eyes, but it was the brother, dear Aristocrat that he encountered first. The fight was terrible, and long for Crat had trained hard and with a passion but he too fell to the paws of this enemy and she believed him dead. The last thing he did with his fading breath was warn his sister who struggled to escape. Albatross never made it out, and the pack stood dumbstruck, unwilling to cross the new leader and helpless to aid the children of the old.

His opinion was changed by the ferocious battle he had fought with Crat and decided the family may have some decent blood yet. Rather than just killing the princess he teased her, pushed her, tested her before he bestowed the honour of his offspring in her. He did not take her as his mate; he wanted only to spread the line of the strong.

The morning after she managed to escape, one brave warrior came to her aid, a dear young wolf who had trained with her brother, and who loved their princess dearly. He stole through the night and gave her the courage to exit the den and attempt to escape. The stranger whose name she never learnt awoke and the brave warrior, Armadous distracted him so she could flee. To this day she does not know if he survived the battle, or if he too gave his life for her. It is just another burden this one care free creature must bare.

Upon fleeing the reach of the new Alpha she began the life of the Rogue. Moving each day, afraid to settle and remain, struggling to hunt on dainty paws unaccustomed to the exercise or hardship.
Weak and constantly hungry her once lithe frame became sickly thin despite the burden of child growing within her. When at last the dreaded moment came and she was forced to birth the creatures of the male her frail body could barely handle the strain and one by one still-born and lifeless beings where pushed into the chilled wind of the day. Only one struggled and as she lay there panting it too, stilled and moved no more. Perhaps it was this moment that caused the final change in her life, the final burden she could not bear. Something snapped within the mind of Bel and no more would she ever be the princess that life had once given her.