
Firstborn Thoughts



03-06-2014, 09:08 PM
She would watch eagerly as her only son would carefully step into the darkened area. Her face would light up as she took in his appearance, he would make his way to a position similar to her own. His head would fall to his paws and song's own expression would change. Something was very much obviously bothering her little boy, his usual excited energy was gone. She would reach out as best she could to gently lick his forehead. She would keep herself silent, listening to his explanation of absence from her side. She would watch as he became quite emotional as the monologue would continue, she would do her best to scoot her enormous body closer to him. She just wanted to cuddle him and take away all the worries that had built up within. He would break their gaze and the she wolf would grow more concerned for her baby. "My Dhiren.. You will always be my baby, I don't care how many siblings you have. You are my very first, my first child and my first son. You will forever have that special title. I love you and your siblings so much, nothing will change that. My time may run a bit thinner when they come, but that gives you more reason to help out. The more help I receive the more time I can have for you!" she would giggle slightly as she remembered the times she would wrestle around with her previous litter. She felt bad that she had grown too big for such actions now. "And I'll always be your momma, okay? And you will always be my very first." again she would try to nuzzle him feebly.?