
Take away Tomorrow


03-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Take away tomorrow

It was always there, like a distant drumming pounding in the back of her mind constant and merciless. Fear of what she had done, what had been done to her and what she had become. There were still moments of clarity, piercing and painful like a flash of reality burning her from her dreams. It was there now, causing her heart to hammer in her chest reminding her of how alive she was. The heat was real and alive around her in the blinding light of the sun. She was running now, cantering down the gentle slope of a hill like the devils hounds nipped at her ankles. Perhaps a part of her insanity was all her mind could do to protect itself from what she could not cope with; it blanketed her from the harsh realities of the world. Without it she ran, ran from herself and her pains even as she seemed to run from the insanity, terrified of its control upon her but even as she did she wished she could also run to it. The bliss of it took away the edge and the pain as was as through she was addicted to her own insanity addicted and frightened.

Take away today

Amidst her blind run she paid no heed to the slopping ground beneath her, the surface as uneven and uncertain as her mind, certainly it was as unreliable. Her front paw caught as she put all her weight upon her forepaws, halting her cascade down the hill, yanking her off her feet and as she fell the broken ligament freed itself from the holes grasp and without it to hold her there she tumbled, crashing and tearing down the banks of soft grass and rough loose stones that cut through her fur and into her skin. She cried out as she landed in an unceremonial heap at the bottom. She didn?t cry out again after that, just lay there panting, unable or unwilling to move. It didn?t match which it was, she couldn?t bring herself to feel the pain in her broken paw, or feel the insanity that began to creep in the back of her mind once more now that she was no longer able to escape it.

I didn't need your pity anyway