


03-07-2014, 12:07 AM

ooc;; Keno and I have agreed that there will be no time limit to this challenge, neither of us want to default and keeping it shorter for ease of judging but not minimum

Precious babe was keen and attentive now, lids fluttering as a light breeze passed against delicate features bringing with it the scent of death and decay. It had been a long time since Vi had been here, not since the siege when she had buried her nephew and it wasn't somewhere she had ever wished to return. But today the trip here was un avoidable. Not so many months ago she had promised a beautiful woman the world and she had refused, instead agreeing to be a queen if Vi gave her a throne to rule on. And a throne she would have. The world she would have if she asked it of Vi but unlike the figures of Vi's obsessions in the past this woman was not as ambitious and power hungry, not as interested in using Vi as a pawn in her schemes rather content to simply go along with whatever the red woman wanted. But none the less Vi would do anything for her purple goddess, break stone, change the course of rivers if that was her wish. And being one for theatrics and grande gestures this had been the first thing that had come to mind. Why not start a pack? Well restart one? Though Vi's heart longed to retake Tortuga she knew she would never be able to live in peace there, that the pale king would come for her especially if she extended a paw to Taurig and his family like she one day hoped to. So she had settled on Seracia, a pack she had ventured to when Desdemona had ruled Tortuga but had since heard little from. She sincerely hoped that Gerhardt was no longer the ruler for dispute her distaste for politics and political adventures she had quite enjoyed her chats with him.

A slow glance would be cast around, she had left the children at home with Kylar saying she didn't want him to come and would feel better with him caring for her young as he had been a father long before she had been a mother. But in truth she had yet to tell him of his young son's demise and knew that if they came here he might ask questions she wasn't yet ready to answer. She loved her nieces and nephews. All of them, even Frictions daughter she had only every heard about in passing and his litter that might have already been born since least they spoke. Who knew how many more nieces and nephews had been born. Had Maia or Rune had children of their own yet? They were of age? Family. It had always been her whole world and would continue to be the majority of it. She was doing this for her family as well. Her love for Des had driven her but it would give her family a stability to grow and expand. And maybe she could finally set all the plans into motion she had been putting off for far too long.

Stomach was already tightening after pregnancy, she had been making sure to spend half her days and nights exercising and other then tests still filled with milk she was almost back to fighting shape. But it didn't matter, she had a goal, a reason to fight and win and in her mind that guaranteed her victory. Despite her cockiness, though, she carried herself with respect. Head was held level to her back and tail licked at her heels. Desiree would be the queen, she was nearly a knight for her. So once paws halted near the centre of the battlefield head would finally tip back to let out a long challenging howl calling for the Seracian alpha. It was time. Would Desiree come to watch her knight battle? She had been there for the birth, would she be here for this? As soon as howl cut off the red babe would allow black lined eyes to slither across the landscape once more, waiting for her purple goddess to appear of maybe other faces? How many would attend this show? She hoped for many, she had always loved to put on a good show and that meant having an attentive audience. Frost dipped tail licked at her heels as she took a steading breath. This was one of her first honest fights. She was more of the sneak up from behind and snap your neck kind of gal and though she had sparred many times there was always that written rule that if Vi got scarred seriously she would hunt them down and kill them. After all a lady must always look her best.

Table by Azil