
Meet & Greet


03-07-2014, 03:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2014, 03:55 PM by Melody.)
The multicolored fae allowed her muscles to relax, felt as the fur lie flat against her neck. So they were not under attack. The girl had been sparring. A smile spread wide across her face as she nodded at Qanik. She had forgotten all about sparring! She had been forced to use large game to practice her fighting skills since longer than she could even remember.

"So that's something that we do here? Would you like to spar with me sometime, milady? My skills at fighting are far less than excusable." She was excited about this idea of sparring...she could learn so much and develop all sorts of new tactics. It made her proud to call herself a Tortugan.

When her alpha spoke up again with a direct question, Melody just could not keep the warmth out of her golden optics. "I truly love it here, if you don't mind me speaking so freely, miss. It reminds me of my birth pack. We lived by a river, my siblings and I. It seems that there is nothing to keep me from the water." she spoke fondly of her old home, and a pang of sorrow clutched at her heart. If only they could see her now, Sonata, Fugue, Harmony....and her parents. She hadn't seen any of them in years. They had to be dead...

Her auds returned in the direction of the alpha and she cleared her throat of the lump that seemed to have gathered there. She did not need to show her new alphess a weak and feeble heart, she had to be strong. Her golden eyes hardened and she straightened her body. " Yes, miss, I have found a nest to my liking. It was very kind of you to allow my entrance."