
Isis Edona Sovari


03-07-2014, 10:04 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Middy
How did you get here?: Previous Member

Character's Name: Isis
Age: 5 1/2 month
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 32 inches, 90 lbs.
Appearance Description:

Where Isis' brother is built like a supermodel, her form is built much the same, her form is on the taller side of medium, long lean legs leading up to her mid-section, a slender rib cage shows just ever so slightly underneath the tapestry of dark colors, not an unhealthy look, these bones lead up to a this waist, nothing as extreme as her brother, but something just as shapely.

Her hindquarters are lighter then the front half, gradually getting darker as you approach her nose. Her hind legs are a soft silver, tracing along under her belly and covering her lower half, changing into a darker grey as it reaches her chest and stops at her throat. Her lower front legs are a darker shade of grey as opposed to her hind ones, front paws speckled with an even darker dusting of speckles, each paw looking as if they had been playing in ashes all day, nearing her shoulders she starts a black, running from the part of her throat closest to her neck and covering her back with a very thin crescent shape, curving thinly along to top of her rump and curling down towards her tail sharply.

The stripes curling around her spine are Sharp, starting with points at her front shoulders and ripping their way to her behind, a lighter blue they glow softly against the darker blue that makes its way to cover the end of her rump and the base of her tail. Her chest is a light shade of grey, light in comparison to the rest of her magnificent face.

A shorter maw then most her face is a gentle portrait of beauty, a soft smile usually graces her features as she glints soft baby blue eyes, a sharp white curve slices through her left eye, a sear in the depths of darkness. The bottom part of the goddesses maw is a softer grey, (darker then her throat, underbelly, and lower hindquarters) while the top half is a sharp dark grey, a curve jutting back towards black tipped ears. Her audibles are normal in size, often keeping flat against the sharp points of hair that stick out wildly towards the sky, tipped in a black that shines blue in the brightest of moons and hottest of suns.

The tip of her tail is white, as if dipped in snow, the brightest part of her body besides the bright blue of her eyes, her shoulder blades and her hind quarters are speckled wth a dark dusting of ash, the soot colored specks thrown onto her pelt neatly and well placed together.