
Wild Stony Wonder


03-07-2014, 11:32 PM
"The Lord said "go to the devil"

So I ran to the devil

Crouching behind the boulder, Angelus quietly watched the intruder. He moved as she moved, first peering at her from behind one side of the rock and then moving to the other when it offered a better vantage point. Until the intrusion, his day had been uneventful. For the most part he'd just laid around, occasionally getting up to wander around and attempt to contemplate things he couldn't even begin to understand. Time, eternity, the past, the present and the future. More specifically, his future. He couldn't fathom it. Not one single possible life presented itself to him. This emptiness concerned him a little. Was he made of nothing?

While not quite what most would consider a home, by Angel's standards these ruins were his, if only for the time being. He wasn't sure how to feel about this intrusion and would have been content to simply watch had the fae not taken it upon herself start something.

He watched her turn to leave and once the bolder blocked his view of her, the brute moved to peer from the other side, and it was then that she chose to pounce. His face was barely around the corner when she was flying at it and he let out a startled yelp, too stunned to react defensively as she ran into him. They rolled and when the opportunity came, Angel kicked his way free, scrambling to his paws.

Shocked, he squared off with her, still stunned to the point of stupidity. As far as defenses went, he set none intentionally, although instinctively his ears flattened, his hackles raised and his tail hung low; the banner curving behind him like a startled cat's. "The hell is your problem?" He bared his teeth at her, the gesture more anxious than aggressive. His face and ears flushed; a reaction that further embarrassed him. And yes, he was embarrassed although the reason for his discomfort in that respect was beyond him. Later, when he had time to play the encounter over, it would be heavily scrutinized.

He was waiting'Angelus