
even if the morrow is barren of promise


03-25-2013, 07:01 PM

The massive brown male had wandered a lot in the past few days. He had spent much time with Morgan recently, but hunting had drawn him away from 'home.' The male had wandered swiftly, aiming to head back as quickly as possible (he was still unwilling to believe that the remainders of his old pack hadn't vanished as soon as they had appeared), but these massive rocks had provided the male with a good place to rest, if only temporarily.

The brown beast selected one of the largest rocks, one warmed by the late spring sun. The dark rock would be a comfortable perch to perhaps take a quick nap, and it would provide him with an excellent vantage point. Tail twitching, the creature padded up to it, and spent the next several minutes climbing up it. He was in the prime of his life, but the warm kill that sat in his stomach left him slow and lethargic, and almost as soon as he climbed up the rock, the male was curling up. He took up most of the top, tail dangling downwards. The warmth that soothed his bones was pleasant enough that within moments, blue eyes were drifting closed.

From his vantage point, he could see most of the lands. The downside to that was that most of those around him could see him as well. It was pretty hard to miss the brown creature against the dark coloration of the rock, but that was the farthest thing from Lovatt's mind as his dark eyes began to drift shut. For the moment, he was content to bask in the warm light. The breeze carried the promise of summer upon it, and for the moment, he didn't see any rush in heading home. For him, this was a big deal. To trust them enough that he believed that they would not vanish at the drop of a hat. Luke and Morgan...

His thoughts trailed into a light doze, leaving him open and vulnerable, though for the moment, Lovatt was fine with that.
