
hello old f r i e n d we meet again


03-25-2013, 07:09 PM

All right, all right. This was enough. Hercules had always been a polite male, had always been one to cross his Ts and dot his Is. There was something wrong with this picture. Her brother should have noticed her. Should have recognized her. Ears twitching, Ocena examined the wolf carefully, inhaling deeply. She tried to play it off smoothly, but the female was trying to figure out what was going on. "Hercules..." She trailed off, mulling the name over slowly as she spoke, "You know, I had a brother named Hercules. He looked like you... We were about two when we were separated. Hunting's a dangerous occupation." Ears twitching, Ocena gazed at the male, waiting to see how he would react. Would he laugh, call her crazy?

Hercules had been the sibbling she was closest to. Ranni had always been raised for greatness, with Hercules somewhere in between rock bottom (otherwise known as Ocena) and the sky (Ranni). So maybe she was just being crazy. But this couldn't be that much of a coincidence. It wasn't possible. This had to be her Hercules. So why didn't he recognize her??

Ears twitching, Ocena's thoughts ground to a halt as he spoke. So he was from here? That . . . meant that he couldn't be her brother. Her tail drooped a little, and Ocena twitched her ears, frowning as she examined the male. "This is some place to grow up in," Ocena spoke in a conversational tone, doing her best to try and hide the sudden disappointment that had been her first reaction to his words, "I was exploring, myself. I wanted to see what these western lands were like. I hail from the North, with a pack known as Glaciem." At the thought of Glaciem, she had to fight back a smile. Just considering the pack from which Gargoyle hailed warmed her heart a little from the sudden disappointment that had hit her.
