
Let Something Shine



03-09-2014, 05:09 AM

Dhiren was exhausted; there was no other word to describe him. The yearling had been staying away from the Oracle's den, only to not be near his mother and the newborn babies. He knew that his dad could be protective over the new lives and that was another reason why he wasn't showing his face. Territorial actions would probably end up taking place between the two men and Dhiren didn't feel like dealing with a potential fight. The third and final reason he had to stay away was because his heart just couldn't take it. He had to leave for a time.
Although he didn't stay near the den, he remained on the pack's lands. One of the places he hadn't visited yet was the falls. Rumors of famous lovers meeting there and people arriving just to relax made him want to get there faster, for he needed something to calm his mind of the many thoughts that raced through it. His three black paws, along with the only white one, carried him across the hot landscape. The ebony of his fur made him pant extra hard as he increased his speed. Why he chose to leave in the middle of the day was beyond him!
Finally, he reached the falls. It had a serene air to it, one that couldn't be found in too many places of Ludicael. What was so weird about that observation was that Ludicael was a pack of peace, yet for him, there was none. A loud sigh escaped his lips and he padded towards the delicious-looking set of falls. Maybe this was what he needed. Privacy, serenity, peace...all too perfect.
Instead, he was greeted by the form of a female he was familiar with by sight and smell, but not personally. He wanted to hightail it and run back, but the heat was becoming too much and he didn't want to be rude because of how his mind was currently working. So, he gave a gentle nod to her and picked his own spot in the same falls. Immediately, he lowered himself in the water and let it hit his back. Water from that spot of impact sprouted and covered different areas of his overheated form. Silver and gold eyes looked up to the female and a gentle set of words left the troubled yearling. "I hope I am not intruding on your fun times."


Awesome pic by Seren <3