
Surprises at Dawn



03-09-2014, 05:27 AM

The black and white replica of Cherokee was restless that morning. Nightmares of him being mean to the new litter of brothers and sisters kept popping up behind his eyelids. He didn't want to open them because he knew that he wouldn't be able to close them properly again. The will to keep them that way started to die when he saw himself giving the cold shoulders to the tiny pups and Song...Song...His mother! Immediately, his eyes snapped open. Will of Dhiren: zero; Negative thoughts: one.
With an exasperated sigh, Dhiren rose from his restless slumber. All four legs sleepily wobbled beneath his lanky form, carrying him towards the entrance of his own den. Silver and gold eyes that had lost their shine and merriment looked up at the sky. Dawn hadn't even approached yet, for the dark blanket of night with twinkling stars still covered the heavens above. Sadness tore at his heart and with it heavily beating, he left the den and set out to get away from the images haunting his tired mind.
Dhiren didn't know where he would go. All he knew was that he couldn't stay on the pack lands until his thoughts were cleared. He needed to get rid of the negative gunk that rested in his chest, for it was slowly spreading through his body and making him a different person...a different wolf. He hated how he felt, despised how he looked at his mother with a new set of eyes. They weren't filled with the love that he once showed everyday. He was afraid it would become permanent and he couldn't risk showing that to anyone else.
Before he realized it, Dhiren felt the change of texture beneath his paws. Soft, green grass that had been kissed by the early morning dew had changed to rough, grainy sand. Silver and gold eyes were unfocused at first, but once his vision became clear, he realized that he wasn't near his home anymore. Raising his head to the surroundings, a secluded beach with an ocean stretching out from it rushed at him like harsh reality. A soft sigh slipped through his black lips and he decided to pad further onto the sand. He wanted a place to run away to for awhile; he had found it. With the night still being present, he appreciated the cloak of darkness and cool temperatures.


Awesome pic by Seren <3