
I'll Find You


03-25-2013, 07:24 PM

The King would pause as the man thought about whether or not he knew the laws of Seracia. If he did not, Gerhardt would outline them to him, but if he did, the King would skip over that rather tedious task of reciting. It certainly ruined conversation, not that Gerhardt was in the proper mind to linger long in talking with this man. As he spoke about the laws, the King merely nodded with a slight smile and raise of his brow. So.. all of his laws were being spread throughout the land to be heard by vagabonds. The King wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Ah well, there wasn't much he could do about it.

As Hercules agreed to be a Knight, Gerhardt nodded again, this time chiming in. "Fantastic! I could use a good Knight. You will share the rank with two other males by the names of Segar and Octavian. You should know that I have yet to choose an Infante - or lead Knight, so keep your wits about you and you could end up in charge of protecting my Kingdom." He would let the male know this, mostly to encourage him and to give him an idea of the options Seracia had to offer. Gerhardt pivoted toward the middle of his territory and tossed his head over his shoulder to gaze at the two-toned Hercules. "If there is nothing else, I humbly welcome you to my Kingdom, Ser Hercules." With a smile and a wink, the King set off at a light trot, slowly at first in case the man had anything else to say.

Exit Gerhardt unless stopped by Hercules.
