
You Were My Conscience...



03-25-2013, 07:27 PM
The boy snored soundly his small chest rising and falling as he dreamed of running through the snow chasing a snow shoe hare. Legs twitched every now and then and eyelids would flutter. His dream was interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to him. He stirred and lifted his head to look at his mother's tan and black form. Blue eyes met hers and he wagged his tail groggily. They had to find his sister. He remembered! But he was tired. Why couldn't they just rest for a bit longer?

"Okay Mama. I'm up."

His voice still told her that he was sleepy. He got up anyways and stretched his weary limbs. His stomach rumbled softly and his head turned to give it a look that said "I didn't ask for your opinion." He turned back to look at his mother and wagged his tail softly. When would they get to eat?

Iniko obeyed his mother for once and followed closely behind her. Every once in a while he would stop to sniff at a bug, or grab a stick and toss it a few times before catching up to his family once more. Finally they stopped. He watched as she sniffed the air. He did the same and only smelled mouse, nothing more. He waited for her to chase it, but instead she said his name. Ears pricked forward as she motioned for him to catch it. Ears drooped miserably. He was already tired. He didn't wanna catch it. He hadn't seen his mother eat anything either. Most of the food she caught went to the kids. Shouldn't she eat?

Regardless Iniko stalked forward like she had shown him and eventually managed to pounce on it after a little bit of stalking it. Small jaws snapped it's neck and he devoured it hungrily. He would have liked to share it with his Mom but she would have declined it and told him to eat it. He was still hungry too.

Licking his lips they left again at a pace that was a bit too fast for his liking. He didn't complain though. They even managed to catch a few more mice, not enough to keep him full, but enough to tide him over for the time being.

They came to a stop again and Iniko sniffed the air again. What he smelled was something he hadn't smelled in ages. His tail wagged and blue eyes widened in excitement. He ignored the look his mother gave him. Like the mischievous pup he was, he rushed forward as fast as his pup legs could handle all the while his tail wagged furiously.

"Food!" He exclaimed excitedly.

He was unaware that wolves weren't very inclined to share their meals. He wasn't aware of the dangers that most other possessed. He was just interested in the meal they had caught. He also wanted to investigate and see who they were. Maybe he could be friends with them?!

He rushed up to them his tail wagging so hard that his rear end moved with it. Ears laid back against his skull as the black and brown marked pup wiggled his way over to the two wolves.


He shouted happily his body still swinging with his tail. They looked interesting and the male was so huge! His tongue lolled from his mouth as it widened into a toothy grin.

"My name's Iniko!"