
A chance for change


03-09-2014, 10:55 PM

Russet bodice moved within the shadows of her first home with easy silence. She had not returned her for many months and it seemed as though nothing had changed. Of course the scent of pack had vanished, rogues having come and claimed the land, but the land itself had not changed one bit. She had slipped from the make shift den early in the morning, which was surprisingly cool and overcast, but she was sure that sun would burn it away.

Creams limbs stretched, carrying her deeper into the place she had called home, nostrils quivering, taking in the scents. Part of her was saddened by her current state. She had no place to call home. Her brother had vanished once more. She had isolated herself from the island. Even Aeron had been scarce.

A sigh slipped from between creamy lips. She had such higher expectations for her life when she had first come here, and now, she had nothing. She was desperate for a change, for anything. Powerful muscles coiled beneath her russet pelt as she moved along the familiar terrain. A bubble of silence surrounded her, leaving her seemingly alone. She could break into an easy lope, altering her direction to head for the volcano. Hind limbs would flex, pushing her up the mountain, claws digging into the earth, pulling her higher and higher.

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