
Some Kind of Wonderful


03-09-2014, 11:46 PM

Enola's touch made a soft shiver creep from where her cheek met his neck. His eyes closed softly and he couldn't help but smile at her words. She wouldn't dismiss him and she seemed more confident than when they first left the barn. He was silently grateful that she wanted him around, for he didn't know what he would do without spending time with her. Sure, he would make sure Silent and Bronze were okay, but they preferred alone time, too. Ah, the silver knight pondered what his life would be like if Loccian didn't have children...didn't have Enola... It was something he didn't wish to think about at all.
He watched her as her nose began to work more than it had before. Faolan's smile only widened and he stood in front of her as she asked him another question. She wondered if they would find anything on their adventure and a soft chuckle escaped his lips. "I am sure that we will, Enola. You never know what may cross your path when you are exploring." With that, he took his place by her side and started to walk in slower steps so she could keep up. Faolan's paws resembled his father's: large and padded, which was good when he wanted to be quiet for a hunt.
Faolan then started to sniff the air as well, wondering if Enola could seek out more stuff than he could. His light green eyes looked up and around at the scenery that Seracia had. He felt blessed to be where he was right then, for he wouldn't have met Enola if his parents chose to go somewhere else to live. "Seracia really is a nice place to be, Enola...Maybe we will come across something new in our travels today."
