
Wandering Hearts


03-10-2014, 09:26 AM

The cruelty of the world around him only pushed him to carry himself high. His light gray pads separating from the ground before hitting back with a thud as he pressed towards the lake. He had no idea that he was trespassing for often things flew by him. He had a strong feeling like it was the right time to be there and his mind had never discouraged him before. He had to trust his mind and his gut and so he would. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Steady now. He told himself as he continued forth on his quest for a purpose. The benevolent man did not have the powers to manipulating of the mind, nor did he know much about herbs. He wasn't a fighter at all as he loathed conflict that was expressed through violence, but he did know one thing. He had a hunter heart. He could take down about any prey the world had to throw at him and he could do it with a passion. He had taken down bears, with assistance of course, when times had gotten rough. He knew that as long as he held to his nature he would be just fine.

He reached the water and let his ankles fall to be submerged in its cool embrace. He slowly leaned down to lap up the water as he looked out on the beauty. It was a magnificent lake and a site he wouldn't mind visiting once more. The trees that had provided little comfort to him and his rugged fur in the summer months to his back as the cool water seemed to make him forget his heat. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, catching something very exciting. Deer. There was prey about and he felt like it was necessary for him to go after it. His eyes opened as he traced the scent. His nose had never let him down before and he wasn't about to break a record. He sped off towards the woods and when he reached the brink he stopped. He was concealed in some bushed and as soon as he left them the deer would be alerted of his presence and start to run. Could he even take down a deer himself? He'd never taken one down without a partner but what was life without a challenge? Life was nothing without it.