
Memories and Places

Loki 1


6 Years
03-10-2014, 10:09 AM

Moody he might be today, but Loki was not above letting out a sharp, mocking laugh at the healer's words and Hati's quick and cynical rejoinder. Not that he didn't actually agree with Hati's sentiments, because to be frank he did agree, but Hati had always used that as an excuse to be a crude, obnoxious barbarian with no taste whatsoever.

The old woman went on to start giving instructions every which-way, and for a moment Loki considered just fleeing. But sprinting off to avoid having the healer give him a job was undignified, and he was too late anyway. The healer had told him to go with Thor and Baldur on a little hunting expedition, basically 'go make some dinner'. Well, it wasn't the first time the three of them had needed to work together on similar assignments, and Thor's words about Hati made Loki think he may have actually picked up a sense of humor somewhere along the way. And to be honest, the idea of a nice tasty deer or elk was tempting. He hadn't had a large kill like that since he'd left the pack. Still, to be ordered by a stranger...

He met the healer's eyes haughtily, a silent refusal to be commanded to do anything even if he was salivating a little at the thought of red meat. But the healer met his gaze with a flat, calm command, and Loki wilted a little. He was impressed despite himself at her regal manner, mentally calculating ways to recreate that way of command for himself. He looked away from her casually, yawning with nonchalant boredom as he stood to follow his brothers - who of course had hopped to it like little bunny soldiers at her command.

"Well, this is exciting," he said mockingly to Thor and Baldur as he sauntered along with his brothers. "Just like old times! Why next you know dear old Dad will rise from the grave and start flinging orders and punishments around. What fun that would be." He might have continued chattering in that same viciously mocking tone of voice, and likely been bitten for his trouble, had Thor not spotted something. Loki paused, disdaining to squash in close to his littermate like Baldur was to see what they did. He was just fine back here.

The signal came, a familiar sign as he'd been hunting and fighting with both of these wolves his whole life, and he automatically fell into the old habits. He hated it, hated that it was still so ingrained in him, and strongly considered just leaving them here to hunt for themselves just to prove that he could, but working with his brothers felt right. Instead of strutting off into the figurative sunset, he settled into a crouch and moved gracefully and silently into a position to flank whatever prey Baldur managed to scare in the right direction.

Both brothers were in position and Baldur leaped forward with a snarl. The elk herd scattered, the cows bawling desperately to keep their calves close in the confusion. Not all were successful, and one older calf raced bawling toward his and Thor's position, Baldur's snapping jaws at it's heels encouraging it. Acid green eyes widened in anticipation. Thor bounded toward it, perfectly timed to snap at it's nose and turn it where they wanted. On cue, Loki moved smoothly from hiding as Thor drove the calf to flank the little beast. As Loki leaped forward to hamstring the calf, his heavier brothers went for the kill. Between the three of them they made short work of dispatching the young elk.

As the dust settled, Loki stood panting, the taste of blood sending electric excitement shivering through his body, raising his silky pelt in ripples. Eyes gleamed with a fiery light, and Loki had to admit to himself that he'd missed the thrill of hunting as a team with his brothers...

But as the adrenaline faded, Loki gathered his dignity about him and returned to feigned boredom. "Well, now that we've finished that nonsense, shall we get this whole fool business over with?" Taking hold of the calf, he began dragging it back in the general direction of their older brother and his healer. Presumably they would follow - preferably they would actually help him, because the beast was damn heavy.

OOC: I took some liberties with Thor and Baldur's actions - I can change it if you like but I figured getting back to the main thread faster would be good?
