
Foul Play



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-10-2014, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2014, 01:37 PM by Hani.)
The girl thought she smelled water nearby, but after searching, she only found a few puddles scattered about. Had it rained recently? Hani debated on searching for more water- the water she thought she smelled- but instead she plopped down and drank slowly, enjoying she kind-of cool water on her lips. It wasn't like she was dying or anything, but it was still pretty hot. Even with her coat all thinned out, it was hot. She lay lapping at the water and, after a while, a few birds began to land in the puddles a distance away. Hani took to watching them, her ears pricked forward.

The birds would land near puddles and drink from the edges for a bit. Then, slowly, they would hop in, lower themselves in the water, and give their little bodies a shake. Several other birds did this and they came out of the puddle all cool and clean. Hani had done this in a lake, but she didn't know she could do it in a puddle. An idea started to form in Hani's mind. If she couldn't find this water she thought she smelled, she could probably just find a puddle to lower herself in and shake about a bit. Then she would be clean and cool like the birds were right? Heck, she might even sprout wings!

No, that's just silly, silly. You can't grow wings, but you can definitely get water from a puddle. Just gotta find one big enough...

Hani hauled herself up and began looking for a good sized puddle, forgetting all about the water she had smelled earlier. It took some time, but she found it; a puddle nearly a wolf wide. She went to the edge and drank some, "Were the birds testing it or just drinking cause they were thirsty?" she pondered, "Tastes good enough... This will do!" The girl lowered herself to her chest in the water slowly and centered herself up, "Alright, good. Good... Shake, I think..." Hani gave herself a thorough shaking, the coolness of the water spreading throughout her coat and flying everywhere. She did feel cooler! The birds were onto something! Hani quickly found another puddle and repeated the process, then another, and another. She felt a ton cooler, though she was panting from running, she felt the water dripping through her coat and the grit in her teeth. Wait... grit? "Water sometimes has grit- ah, nope not that much. Nope, this is mud, you're rolling in mud, Hani." The girl quickly spat out the extra grit and ran to look at herself in a puddle, "Ohh geez... Is the water brown or am I brown? Probably both- gosh DARN IT, Hani! You have white fur what were you thinking? Look at this, you're a mess! Okay, okay, play it cool, haha, cool like the water that was mud. Ironyyy- Oh, geez get yourself together, you're a respectable fae, a little mud isn't that bad. This is more than a little mud. Well, at least no one's around, and if they were, maybe they'd be muddy too. Haha, that'd be cool. Hah! Cool."
