
Join the Hunt



03-26-2013, 12:42 AM
[Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png][Image: 136849.png]

Walk | Talk | Think

Wolves still milled and walked around her, but Ashtoreth paid them little mind. She was far too pleased and content with how things had gone, and how quickly and effortlessly she had been granted her chosen position among the ranks of her comrades. A hunter. She was a hunter. Someone who would help provide for her friends and pack mates and assure that none of them went without a meal, and in return she would finally feel like an asset, like she had at last learned how to pull her weight among them.

As she slipped among them, stopping off to the side of the last stragglers who left from the meeting, her gold and purple eyes scanned across those others in search of one who was not entirely familiar to her, but who she knew would be soon enough. He had been granted the position of Lead Hunter, the one who would dictate how it was she and any other future hunters would complete their tasks and go about their business. And after successfully getting through their pack meeting, after earning the positions they had, surely it only made sense for them to prove their worth for it by procuring a feast from their skill and efforts?

The only problem with the plan was the simple fact that she neither knew nor recognized the stranger named Thane. She had not seen him but had heard his name, and glanced around among the unnamed strangers of her pack wondering which one was the Lead Hunter that she sought. Knowing she was going to get nowhere by simply staring at all who passed in the hopes that they might at least recognize her, Ash spoke out among them, calling, "Thane!" in the hopes that he would hear and respond and distinguish himself from his pack mates.

OOC: Hope it's alright that I started this. c: Just wanted to get things rolling. Also, I figured anyone who wanted to jump in and help could since there's only two of them.


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