
The Elites Of Celestion.

Katja the First


8 Years
03-11-2014, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2014, 10:46 AM by Katja the First.)
Number: 35
Name: Centauri
Age: 1
Voice: a strong, commanding voice, deep for her gender and age, with ringing tones made to carry on a battlefield - even when speaking in a whisper it is a tone of intensity
Scent: Centauri smells of crushed pine and the fresh, cold scent of a mountain wind.
Appearance: WIP because I need to be on another computer to distinguish those colors. XD
Personality: Centauri is a warrior and leader down to her very core, despite her young age. From the time she was old enough to understand what was happening around her, she idolized the eldest warriors, those who had been in battle and survived, grew experienced enough to become the elite of the elite, those who led in battle to coordinate the efforts of every warrior. She craves that respect, that power with every fiber of her being - not power for the sake of power or for attention-seeking, but for the knowledge and because she wants to be the kind of wolf who could be trusted with that power. Serious and studious, she meticulously studied and absorbed knowledge even during their infrequent rest times, wanting to know more than simply how to fight or plan tactics, but also how to think like a leader should and how they acted outside of battle. From them she learned to treat each wolf as an individual, to give them her complete attention and respect when speaking with them no matter who they are, so that they feel that they, personally, were important to her and that she had their best interests at heart. She also learned to actually have their best interests at heart, to actually care about their needs and opinions.

When the caldera's eruption disrupted their way of life long before she should have been anything but a student of war, the young wolf was shaken, but stepped up with a maturity beyond her years to assist in the evacuation of the poisoned land. She does not have confidence in her ability to lead, not yet, but she is poised to step into a supporting role until she earns the respect and loyalty that her youth keeps her from.
Roleplay Sample: (*sputters* I got carried away with this a bit)

Centauri narrowed her eyes against the sting of wind-borne ash. The stink of sulfur burned at her nose and throat, threatening to choke her. She'd returned on her own accord to scout the old territory, seeking for any stragglers who might need assistance with evacuating. So far all she'd found was death. She pitied the wolves whose corpses she had come across - to die such an inglorious death, not in battle but simply choking to death on the toxic air or crushed beneath the pyroclastic debris thrown out.

A faint whimper caught her ears. The young wolf turned to the sound. All that greeted her streaming eyes was the smokey purple and navy swirled pelt of a crumpled form not far away. A corpse, she'd thought, but now she wondered if she'd been mistaken. She approached cautiously - scavengers were as ill-suited to the sick environment as wolves, but it would not do to be taken by surprise by an opportunistic one. A quick glance at the body showed no signs of life, but closer study showed that the wolf, a female, had not been alone when she'd died. The body was hunched over those of three very young pups, barely old enough to walk. She must have been lost in the chaos of the eruption and tried to get the pups to safety alone before she'd succumbed to the burning air. Another whimper drew her attention away from the body - following the sound a short distance away she found a fourth pup collapsed beneath the withered hulk of a dead bush.

Centauri slipped under the bush, curling around the nearly-senseless pup as she considered what to do. The warmth and comforting solidity of her body next to his calmed the pup's whimpers and he snuggled closer. The pup's once-yellow eyes were clouded and sightless from the constant irritation of sulfur and ash, his every breath drawing a shudder of pain from his small body. Foam had formed around his muzzle, tinted pink by blood from his sulfur-ravaged throat and lungs.

She shook her head. She reached down, her open jaws clamping around the pup's neck. Her jaws flexed, quickly and efficiently putting the young pup out of his misery. Her heart clenched with regret, but she knew enough about healing to know that he was beyond saving, and she could not in good conscience force that decision on someone else by bringing him back to the pack. A leader made the hard choices for themselves, and they lived with them, and that was what she would do now.

She slid back out from under the bush, leaving the rapidly-cooling body behind. Even in the short time she'd been under there, the ash fall had increased, nearly covering the bright corpses of the mother and her other pups. Centauri raised her eyes to study the sky and the caldera, and came to another difficult decision. There was nothing more for her to do in this land. No one left alive to save, nothing for her here. So she turned her back on her birthplace, and stretched out into a ground-covering lope in the direction some of her packmates had taken. Perhaps they could find a new homeland, and she could continue her training there.