
A Game Of Sorts [Open to all pack members]



03-26-2013, 01:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could hear the voices, the laughter, ringing through the territory nearby and knew without a hint of a doubt that something was up among the members of her pack. Part of her wished to remain outside of the situation, as her inhibitions were still heavily in place regarding her ability to socialize properly to fit the expectations of her pack mates, but another part of her was curious. What could have possibly made them so excited to go on as they were? It all held the sound of fun and play, and still relearning how it was that others of her kind played, the things she had failed to learn herself as a child, she was helplessly interested.

Recalling how much fun she had had with the sweet tempered Toprak when he had attempted to introduce her to play, the timid white wolf traipsed across the Glaciem land toward the others, following their voices while her dark brown eyes stared with open curiosity at those who had gathered. Familiar and unfamiliar faces alike stood collected here, laughing and darting about. Certainly this was a game? Feeling a little of the overall playful spirit that seemed to encompass each of them, Mercianne smiled faintly, enjoying merely being a spectator.

She was not a spectator for very long, however. After another successful tag by Ocena, another of her pack mates came her way, hurrying toward her with her paw outstretched. Just as awkward as her gesture had been, Merci received it in kind, somewhat leaning away as the other touched her while she tried to make sense of what it was that they were playing. Tag? her thoughts echoed as her pack mate hurried away, leaving the quiet Mercianne to pick up their game and keep it going.

Her eyes quickly skimmed over the others present, quite certain that they all were expecting something similar from her, and for a moment she wilted under the pressure. But upon seeing a familiar face, one that she most definitely considered a friend, she felt a strong surge of playful energy guide her into action. Bounding through the snow, she smiled and quickly dashed to Crusade's side, reaching out to give her paw a quick bat. "Tag, Crusade," she stated simply, a nervous sort of grin stretched across her face as she paused and then dashed away again, relieved of the pressure of tagging someone and quite honestly enjoying herself now that she was actually participating like everyone else.

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]