



03-11-2014, 05:23 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Sea!
How did you get here?: Lutara <3
Age: 21

Character's Name: Kastiel (from old Ala)
Age: 8
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: (in inches)36 inches
Appearance Description:
A wolf the shades of shadows, dark colourations of brown that merge in almost blackness , perfect for a forest camouflage in the midst of night and shadows. He refers to himself as a ?Shadow Walker? an almost religious position in the place of his birth. Chosen for the reasons of his coat and the astounding colouration of his eyes, along with the personality that matched the position so perfectly. When he steps into the sun, the dark browns on his coat seem to glow an orange in the days bright light. His coat an easy upkeep of short fur

Kastiel has a gaze that any wolf would envy, or love to be trapped within. He has that almond fulness that hold the round, innocent shape of a puppy, sweet and open in there demeanour, with shades of a lapis-lazuli; a shining blue and silver, lost in a gapping, endless twine. His eyes are hold a hypnotizing gaze, were once you have looked upon them, you simply no longer wish to look away.
There strange in the way his peronality is reflected in there shifting swirls. A calm lake of gently shifting blues outlines with the dash of softening silver, or fulled with it in the wild thrashing of a stormed sea over come in foams of silver with the bearest hint of his deep dark blues.

Personality Description: Kastiel; the silent warrior with a belief in Mother Nature. He always gives thanks for his kill, and buries after him the skull of his kills in respect to the belief it holds the essence and soul of the creature and in turn deserves to bond with the earth and its essence reborn in the form of the energy that fulls the world with new-growth. He is as gentle as the breeze, and in his past he stayed in one spot for as long as the breeze remainded there also. In his past he always moved from pack to pack never calling one his home and in his heart he is forever a journeyman, with a map of the endless world in his head where he had spent so many years exploring and learning. He calls no one place home because to him it is the wind that owns his soul his heart.

He?s a gentle wolf, with a friendly sort of personality, but the future he had once wished to hold was taken from him. For a while his beliefs had been in question and he had doubted things he had well known for years. He had fallen in love and that was quite possibly one of the most amazing experience?s in his life. Nothing had prepared him for the pain of the end result however, when torn apart by different loyalties he who had ever remained faithful discovered that his love had moved on and had found another love in his absence. It was here that for the longest while he almost lose everything that made him who he was. He would never forget her name, Illaria or what he had learned from here. Perhaps with the passing of time he had come to remember why he had loved her and forgiven her for changing. They also had had children togther and his biggest regret there was not being able to show them they had a father who loved them and cared for them.

He had taken then to travelling, moving far and wide to free himself from that which encased his heart with sorrow and guilt. It took him a year to rediscover his belief in Mother Nature, and when at last he had re-descovered he was already far from all the had grown to love and know. He knew that this was Mother Natures way of telling him it was time to move on and start his life enew. Perhaos this land needed a little faith and guidance, whatever the reason he would not fail in his quest to aid and help the wolves of this land.

He was raised by a beach in a small and loving community of wolves, the beginning of his life had been simple and easy, bountiful prey and little hardship. It was after he left his home to travel, explore and teach to the world what he knew that he discovered hunger, pain, and found others in misery. He had then taken to helping others to learning herbs and healing, and had joined a small and peaceful pack. The pack had understood his travelling ways and he was barely ever found within the little place he had decided to call home. It was on one of his travels that he met a fae called Illaria. They had understood each other in a way he had never understood another, and had taken to calling her his melody for the way his heart sang in her presence. A disease had taken to the pack he lived in and he too had succumbed to its power. This period of pain and a fevered sleep that made the world come and go in a dream like quality had time pass far too quickly. When the fever broke and he came out into the world once more he had discovered a lot of changes to his world. His gentle, loving Alphena had died and his love had moved on with her life. Over taken by grief he failed his main principle and did not help the suffering pack recover. Lost in his own world of pain he had fled and found himself questioning all the things he had once believed in.?

He travelled for a year before he reached the the new lands of Alacritis, and on the journey there he meet not only more hardship, but amazing wolves who helped understand that despite the traumas of the world Mother Nature was still out there and had not forsaken him. And well he could not forget Illaira, he forgave her for abandoning him.

Song: Ronan Keating; I hope you dance

Rp Example:?

His mind commanded his body, and he held no strength to fight it, no will left to lift above the desire to sink into dreams, anything to escape the fire in his veins, the burning through his body and the searing in his throat, all he felt was pain, in his heart and body and soul. Pain like nothing he had ever felt before, like nothing that had ever burned through his body. He was cooking alive in his own skin, this terrible sickness, the cold, his hunger and thirst.
The wind whispered, and who was he to disobey his beloved Mother Nature? In this terrible time when all about him was the proof of those he could not save. There must be a reason for this... he knew there must be, for his Mother would not forsake him now, not when he and all he loved needed her guidance so badly.
He told himself now, no will, no desire to disobey Mother Nature, no way of fighting off this pain. But the most important thing of all... was the call that drove him into sleep, the sound that rang through his mind and soothed his blistering pain.
He was the Shadow-Watcher, the one that walked in shadows... to keep others in the light. All he had ever wanted from life was to learn, and teach, to travel and explore... to show others of Mother Nature, to respect and love her as he did. Then he had found her... the one that was his other half, in a way that he could never deny. He loved her, and it was no secret. How free she had made him... how his heart had soared and hers had sung.
He tried to be indifferent to the barrier of packs that stood between them. He knew it would he hard, but how sure he had been that there love would get them through it.

But now... with Evian falling about his ears, death upon its doors... all he wanted was her, all he wanted was to see her face and hear her voice. He tried so hard to keep strong ? to keep Evian calm, to sooth and care for it. The illness had crept upon him, and fell him so surely that he could barely rise. He could care for no one now, there was nothing left to learn, and no one left to teach. All he had was the darkness, and the pain. Everything that made him who he was was gone. And now... with nothing to keep his mind from it, all he wanted with all his heart, was not to die alone.
He wished that she would come...
Pleaded with all his heart that she would stay away
Why did she not come? So loving was her nature, surly she would not leave him to die alone... so very, very alone, and cold in this nothingness.
Had the distance wanned her love for him? did she care no longer for him?
This was... doubt, in his mind. He did not want her to suffer as he did, he did not want her to come for this reason. Yet... he had been so sure of her kindness and her love, and he never for a moment truly thought she would stay away.
Spare himself this pain, that shook him to the core, that tore through his blistering heart. The illness was nothing next to this pain that crackled at his heart, and finally, sleep took him, and he blissfully drifted away from the roaring waves of awareness.