


03-11-2014, 05:32 PM

As a Queen one most be ready for the day that a challenger may appear, calling out to take lands that the ruler so loved. But for Destruction this challenge was, well, startling to say the least. While Destruction hadn't minded taken care of things for Loccian while she was ill she would have never, ever expected a challenger to call for the rights to Seracia. A sinking feeling would gather in Destruction's heart. It was one thing to take care of the pack for Loccian, in hopes she would recover quickly and claim back the lands, but now the fate of Seracia would rest upon her shoulders, and the call couldn't be left unanswered.

The ebony and crimson stained woman would make her way to the battlefield alone, her ears flicked back ever so slightly. It had been quite some time since she last fought anyone, though she was mindful enough to keep up a training routine. Now, more than ever, she was grateful that she had. Her skills would truly be put to the test here on the battlefield, and the aging fae prayed to the gods above that she would come out of this still the Queen of Seracia... and hopefully not too badly damaged. Fights could get nasty real quick after all.

Her single crimson ringed orb would fall upon the gathering of wolves. The first to catch her attention was a woman with a purple pelt. It was uncommon for even a patch of color to be odd, let alone a fullbody. She even had orbs of mismatched hues, giving her an almost exotic appearance. But she was not the challenger judging by her stance. Her gaze would shift to another wolf. Another female of gray, black and white. Another stranger... though she was also not the challenger. That left only one other option for her foe, and Destruction would shift her gaze to look upon the russet and white wolfess.

The dark woman would come to a stop, single orb holding no hatred, only seriousness and determination as she looked upon her challenger. Even if she lost this fight today she wasn't going to be going down without a fight. There was no way in hell she would simply back down. This woman wanted her pack... her home. Destruction could only hope that, should she win it, that Seracia would not go downhill. A small sigh, barely audible, would pass her lips, and Destruction would finally speak to her challenger.

"A good day to you. I suppose that we should probably get straight down to business then." As she spoke her gaze would not stray from the woman's form. "As Queen of Seracia I accept your challenge. State your terms should you win and make your move." Then Destruction would shift her body as defenses were set. Ears would pin back flat against her skull as her long tail was tucked, a factor to protect both of them from being grabbed. She would tip her head forward, lowering it in order to protect her neck. Shoulders would roll forward as she widened her stance, spreading out her weight to help with balance and movement. Her fur would raise upon her body, giving a little protection against possible grabs. Finally her single orb would narrow, determination flashing within. She was ready.


Attacks:: None.


-Ears Pinned
-Shoulders Rolled Forward
-Head Lowered
-Widened Stance / Distributed Weight
-Fur raised / floofed out
-Eye narrowed

Injuries:: None.

Notes:: Just a note for admins / mods that what Dione says is true. No defaults. ^^ Also best of luck, Dione! This will certainly make for an interesting battle. :3