
Go The Distance


03-11-2014, 05:45 PM
Ritsuka would quietly listen to the female speak, his green eyes holding curiosity in them. So this female was to recollect what Tortuga was and reshape it. At the mention of it being an 'army to fear' however the male would pause, a frown on his face and ears tilting back ever so slightly. An army? That was hardly what he had aspired for when he left his own pack. Surely enough he wanted to be something bigger and better, to become part of a larger pack. But... well he would save his question for after the others had spoken. It would appear as for their previous alpha he had fallen in. Such was a sad fate, but it wasn't really his concern. He was no healer... so thus when it came to helping Deteste he would be no help. Still... this all didn't sit quite right with him.

Gossamir would speak up, saying that she was staying. Was being an army the type of thing his friend would enjoy? Again his question rolled in the back of his mind. Even if the answer wasn't satisfactory... would he stay? The brute would speak up, wondering if any of the others wondered the same that he did within his heart. "Miss Roman, if I may, I indeed have a question about all this." His green eyes would settle upon her form, ears still remaining slightly lowered, revealing his uncertainty.

"While it is one thing to make sure that the wolves of Tortuga are well prepared in learning different skills... I am not so sure, by the way you put it, that I am comfortable with being in something called an army." The brute would remain standing, keeping his body relaxed as he spoke, his eyes never leaving the new alphess' form. "So before I fully make my decision I want to inquire just a bit more about this army you intend to make the Tortugan wolves into. Are we merely going to be a ready, able bodied unit, or do you plan to us as pawns for conquest?" Simple, blunt, and to the point. He was not about to be used as a tool of war, for hurting others and driving them from their homes. However he wasn't against being ready to defend Tortuga's lands if some pack decided they were going to attack them first.

A scent would invade his nose, and a familiar brown form would bound up to him, a distraction to both the male and hopefully the alphess who was going to give her answer. He would turn his head giving Blizzard a gentle nuzzle to her shoulder as his heart swelled with happiness. He could feel tears stinging his eyes, almost unable to believe that his sister was here. It seemed so long ago that he left the place of their birth. But more than anything he was glad that she was here with him. "Yes I am." He would chuckle as she licked his face. He could smell the pack lands on her, so he could only assume that she had been accepted by a Tortugan. "We'll speak more after the meeting, Blizzard." He said gently, eyes trailing back to Roman.
